Saturday 7 April 2012

Kuala Lumpur

Arrived Port Klang early this morning.  Basically up a river in the middle of the jungle.  The atmosphere was positively fecund.  KL was an hour's bus ride away where we were dumped at the foot of the Petronas Towers.  That was all very nice.  Floors and floors of lovely shops.  I could've spent all day.  However, I only HAD a day, so it wasn't to be wasted indoors.  I caught the LRT (subway/light rail) to Chinatown.  Here the charming, pastel-coloured and crumbling buildings struggle to survive amongst the glass and super-modern architecture encroaching on it.  I ventured to the Central Market which was really just a nasty Mecca for souvenirs.  BUT.... it was there I discovered the fish spa!  Yes, for a measly $2 I got to plunge my feet into a pool of ravenous, toothless fish who seemed to crave human flesh.  This is a must-do, people!!  It's like having thousands of little vacuum-cleaners attached to your flesh.  Best of all - it tickles!!  We all sat around laughing our heads off, feeling like idiots, but not being able to help it.  Seriously, it was laughter therapy. (Is that an oxymoron?)  It seemed a shame to continue walking around after that, building more callouses, having just had them eaten away.  I think I saw a mosque, a monument, a giant flagpole sans flag.  All with a silly smile on my face....
Tomorrow we arrive in Penang.  There's a powerful thunder storm raging right now - deafening, in fact.  Rain, lightning, the whole she-banger.
Our ship is very petitie.  Like a doll-house version of a ship.  I'm quite liking it.  Not too crowded either.  Lots of old people of course.  Food seems good so far.  I told Dad I'd only have dessert if it was a souffle.  So far we've had one every night.  No diets on this trip.

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