Tuesday 10 April 2012

At Sea, Bay of Bengal

Great excitement on board today as we went through our piracy drill - now a legal requirement of ships traveling through pirate waters.  Apparently that will be us from April 11 - 20th.  The alarm sounded and we had to proceed to our staterooms and sit on the floor by the cabin door.  Away from windows in other words.  Then a head count took place and the ship went through avoidance measures - zig-zagging severely, activating water cannons and sonic cannons.  Sonic cannons burst ear drums (not our fortunately).  As for the water cannons....well, they seemed pretty feeble to me.  I think a pirate would see them more as a refreshing shower than a deterrent to taking us captive.  At the end of the 30 minute drill we did get to see the cannons in action.  Check out the woman in my photo above.  She has a Donald Trump comb-over.  Seriously.
Not much else to report.  I've joined a regular Spinning Class.  I tried the Boot Camp (more a Slipper Camp) which was 30 minutes of repeating 5 exercises with a 1kg weight.  This was a taster class.  For US$300 I could've signed up for FIVE more classes and received an "amazing poster" that showed the exercises we were doing.  It was a tough decision, but I declined.
Lots of dolphins about today.  Dad had a senior moment and said "What are they doing way out here?  What do they eat?"
6 hours behind NZ now, and by tomorrow it will be 7.

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