Friday 13 April 2012

At Sea, en route to Mumbai

Forgot to tell you about my lovely lunch yesterday.  I was too busy talking about beer and swimming.  Priorities, right?  We were at the above cafe, but in the shade, as it was waaaaay to hot to sit in the sun.  I thought I'd try a local Maldivian dish which was a fresh tuna and coconut curry with chappatis.  YUM!  Dad was less adventurous and had the club sandwich with fries.  It follows his theme - pizza, fish and chips, mash and gravy.  I keep asking him when he's going to have some vegetables that don't include potato.  "I had half a tomato at breakfast the other day," he told me. Puh-lease!
We were meant to leave Male at 6:30 last night but didn't get away until midnight due to engine trouble.  I guess it was better to have it there than in the middle of pirate territory.  An American asked me if I knew what the delay had been about.  This was this morning when we were steaming along at 20 knots.  I said, "It was engine trouble."  He said, "Oh?  Have they fixed it?"  Yeah dude.  Look out the window.

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