Friday 13 April 2012

Arabian Sea

Thought you might be interested in the ship security.  Yip, that's them.  Relaxing in the shade and manning the LRAD (sonic cannon).  Not sure what LRAD stands for - that's what Google's for.  Look it up.  I have to say, the LRAD isn't quite as scary as an ACTUAL cannon.  And apparently the pirates get a verbal warning before they're blasted with it.  Quite thoughtful really as it means they can go, "Oh, cheers, mate.  We'll just pop in our ear plugs.  Off you go then."
I thought we'd be seeing lots of other ships by now.  So far, just the one.  It was so immense it took us a while to figure out, through the haze, whether it was a land mass or just a frigging big ship.  It was so laden with containers, and moving so slowly, I can bet pirates were looking at it thinking it was an easy, juicy target.
Hundreds of dolphins about today.  They look so tiny, everyone thinks they're midget versions.  However, I think it's just because we're so high up...
And before I go, can I just have a rave about the almond croissants that are baked each day.  Petite sized, crispy outer, chewy texture, fresh-as almond paste laden with slivered almonds.  My God it's lucky I go to the gym each day (although it's a losing battle of the bulge).

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