Thursday 12 April 2012


Arrived Male around 9am.  Decided to eat breakfast out on the rear top deck which was exciting for two reasons.  Firstly, the LRAD (sonic cannon) was set up there and manned by security staff keenly scanning the horizon with their binoculars.  Sort of funny as we were at the entrance to Male harbour, and hanging around off the runway approach to the airport, an island in itself.  Secondly, was the proximity of the large jets coming into land directly over us.  So close in fact, you could actually see the pilots completely ignore us!
Male from a distance reminded me of Venice.  What a cliche, but every inch of land is built up to the water's edge. Instead of church towers across the skyline, there are minarets.  We were whisked ashore and promptly transferred to an old tub that took us over to Bandos Resort Island for the day.  The waterways here are mental with boats of all descriptions whizzing hither and thither.  I could barely bring myself to look out the window so I amused myself by staring at a woman of indeterminate age who had collagen-enhanced lips on her stretched face that Angelina Jolie would've been jealous of.  And boobs so out of proportion to her tiny body that her husband had to hold her by the bra straps to stop her toppling over.
Dad and I quickly found the bar/cafe/restaurant by the water and hooked into the icy beers while we decided how to spend our island time.  Pretty much just drinking beer and swimming as it turned out.  I think you can see from the picture above how suitable those two activities were.
At the end of the afternoon we had some time to wander the streets of Male.  Not advisable as the streets are narrow and over-run by scooters.  The men to women ratio seems to be about 90 - 1.  I've noticed this in other Muslim countries.  Where are all the women hiding?
It's very, very hot here so I'm enjoying being back in the air-con now!  Two more days at sea and then we arrive in Mumbai.  Can't wait!

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