Monday 23 April 2012

At Sea, Somali Basin

The Private Sun Deck.  Membership limited to 20 people.  Usually only 2 or 3 of us out there.

We are 500 miles off the coast of Somalia, our nearest landfall.  It's very soporific out here.  There's a big, fat, lazy swell and a gentle breeze.  Temperature around 30C.  The captain has been out on the Private Sun Deck all morning, having a snooze and catching some rays.  Obviously not worried about pirates then.
I thought I'd fill you in on my typical sea day.  So buckle up and get ready for a wild ride of excitement and thrills.  Here goes!

7 - 7:30am
Tea, and Dad's pre-breakfast breakfast are delivered to the room.
7:30 - 8am
Check emails.  I have my laptop, and wireless internet is available in our cabins.
8 - 9am
Breakfast at the trough (also known as the buffet).  I try unsuccessfully to avoid the almond croissants.  Never happens.
9 - 10am
Spin class.  The only exercise I get all day.  3 out of 5 of us regulars are Kiwis.  As there are only 8 Kiwis on board, this tells you a lot about the fitness levels of the Americans.
10 - noon
So much to do, so little time.  First off, the jigsaw tables in the library.  There's always a few on the go and a few people doing them.....or are they sleeping upright.  Hard to tell.
Look in on Bingo.  Is it a sport or is it a game?  God knows you couldn't find a more boring pastime.
Do laundry, or any other mundane chore that needs doing.
Check emails again.
Look at dolphins.  This ocean is crazy with them.
Hit the Private Sun Deck and read another book.
Noon - 1pm
Back to the trough.  The food is very good.  I have finally weaned myself off having dessert at lunch.  Just have to work on dinner...
1pm - 5pm
Have a cappucino in a cool, dark spot and read, or do the blog, before hitting the Private Sun Deck again.  It's on the 9th Deck, forward, with great 180 degree views.  Read my book; struggle to stay awake; contemplate the cocktail menu; have a swim; read my book; check out the view; have a swim.  You get my drift.
5 - 6pm
Shower, and rest.  It's been an exhausting day.
6 - 8pm
Dinner down in the rest-home.  I mean the restaurant.  A different and extensive menu every night.  Did I mention the food's great?
8 - zzzzzzz
Watch a movie.  I can't face the cabaret.

There you have it.  Well, I'm off to the Private Sun Deck.  Laters.

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