Monday 14 May 2012

At sea, Bight of Benin


We crossed the Equator today, at precisely 7:40am.  The captain actually did a countdown from ten.  It was like being on the space shuttle, but with less astronauts, and more passengers.  Apparently the Bight of Benin has become something of a pirate area. Nothing on the scale of what is encountered off Somalia though.
I did my Spin class as usual this morning.  There are three of us regulars.  The other two women are Canadians, both in their sixties.  One of them competes in ironman competitions.  We are totally in awe of her, including our instructor.  If you put wings on her bike it would take off, she pedals that fast.  Today we had an extra woman in the class.  She was African American, in her sixties too, and very elegant.  She had never done a spin class before and spent most of the class seated, as she found the standing climbs too hard.  At the end of the class our instructor asked her how she was feeling.  Now, most people would find that saying “okay” would suffice.  However, she replied with, “Well, my vajayjay isn’t feeling too great”.  Spin class gold, my friends.  I nearly fell off the bike laughing.
We had Bingo again today.  However, there was only one outlet selling cards, instead of the usual two.  Well, you should’ve heard the moaning about that.  You’d think the buffet had been five minutes late opening.  The Bingo MC, who has a wicked sense of humour, said, “Seems there are a few grumpy women today.  Probably your blood sugar levels are low because you haven’t eaten for 45 minutes.”  Funny because it’s probably true.

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