Friday 25 May 2012

At sea, Atlantic Ocean

 Game cards. Check. Bloody Marys. Check. Dauber. Check.  Let's play BINGO!
The excitement continues.

A word on Bingo.  I love it.  I take back every nasty thing I said about it. Could it be because I’ve now won THREE days in a row, four times in total?  My winnings are now around the US$500 mark.  I have enemies left, right and centre.  Each time I win, a man sitting on the other side of the room does the throat slitting gesture, continuously, until he’s certain I’ve seen him.  Others look at me like I’m something unpleasant under their shoe. However, some people are coming to me for tips on how to win.  Like skill has anything to do with it.  I tell them it’s the two-for-one Bloody Marys.  One woman, the former principal, agrees as she slugs another one back.  She’s won a few times herself.
So my friends, try might like it!

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